Professionally Evil
Testing as a Service
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What does it mean to be Professionally Evil?

Professionally Evil is the tag line or motto of the security consulting company Secure Ideas. We are often asked what it means and why we use it. So we built this site to explain.

Professionally Evil is the idea that to understand vulnerabilities and risk, we have to understand how an attacker will use the vulnerabilities in a network or application to attack the organization. This goes beyond simply finding flaws or even exploiting them. It involves understanding the issues and how they can affect the organization.

Secure Ideas uses the idea of Professionally Evil in our penetration testing and security consulting. We take the understanding of what attackers are doing today along with how to abuse the systems, to provide our clients with an understanding of what can be done.

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Professionally Evil Services

Real people, Real Testing, Real Results.

Penetration Testing

Our team of consultants has collectively conducted thousands of penetration tests. We are some of the best experts in the industry and have cultivated strong client relationships built on quality, actionable results.

Learn more about Pentesting

Consulting & Advisory Services

Secure Ideas provides innovative and reliable security consulting and advisory services designed to protect your business from cyber threats. As technology changes and grows, so do potential threats.

Learn more about Consulting & Advisory

Security Assessments

We carefully evaluate your security controls and determine which ones are working properly. We then check to see if they meet the requirements for this system, ensuring that all necessary functions operate as intended so nothing unexpected happens when you least expect it!

Learn more about Security Assessments

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